Recruiting Resources

The best things in Scouting happen at the unit level. It’s true for life-changing experiences that happen in every pack meeting, and it’s true for recruiting as well. When packs and dens get involved, more boys and girls are introduced to the adventure of Scouting than through any other recruiting campaign or method. We can’t do it without you!

Maintaining Vibrant and Growing Units 

Packs, Troops and Crews are designed to be perpetual… young Scouts enter, grow and move on to the next program. But the unit continues. Long-lived Scouting units are no accident – they achieve that through intentionally recruiting every year.

A steady flow of youth into your unit is essential to maintaining its health. Plus, new Scouts bring energy and enthusiasm to the program, and provide leadership opportunities for older Scouts! As some attrition is only natural, your unit should set a goal of adding at least 10+ Scouts every year. 

Also, having a year-round growth plan in place will help attract new Scouts.

Update Your BeAScout Pin

This only take a few minutes and is the single most important thing you can do to help families find your unit!
Learn more here!


Fall Recruiting

Spring Recruiting

More Resources

Below, you’ll find resources and tips for making recruiting a fun and enjoyable experience that keeps the bigger picture in focus: growing your unit to reach more kids, strengthen your packs and have more fun!

Cub Scouts

Scouts BSA

Social Media

Quick Hits

Financial Assistance

The W. D. Boyce  Council wants to make sure every youth has an opportunity to fully participate in our program and give every family an opportunity to have their youth registered. Click here for more information on available financial assistance.


Feel free to add any of these to your social media posts or emails, use them in School Nights for Scouting or show them any other recruiting and membership events. And these are just some of the many videos available! Do you have a favorite? Let us know and we’ll add it to the list for others to use as well.