(Source: Grand Canyon Council, BSA – most links lead to good content on their website)
Let’s commit to welcoming more families into Scouting!
Identify the Spring Recruitment Lead
Which Scout family can help arrange and lead this one-time event that community members feel genuinely invited to?
Set a Troop Recruitment Goal
Think about how many 5th and 6th graders are at your neighborhood Elementary Schools, how many of them will you in share Scouting with this year?
Update Your Digital Footprint
Is the Troop website and/ or public Facebook page up-to-date? Share your story – The Troop website and Facebook page should show action, fun, highlight events and activities, and engaged parents.
Ease of Access: Is the Troop BeAScout Pin accurate?
Be Sure BeAScout Pins are up to date. Families that are researching online want to be able to apply online. How To Update Your BeAScout.Org Unit Information
Event Location
Set your location, date and time. Events at schools are most successful. Parks and public places are second. Facebook promoted recruitment events held at churches perform worst. Using Social Media To Welcome New Families (Be sure to use geofencing!)
Plan a Hands-On 30-Minute Activity:
It’s great when youth and adults work together. Scouting’s fun and the recruiting process you host should reflect that.
Prepare Recruitment Event Agenda
Be prepared. Utilize the example agenda for recruitment night.
Invite Potential New Scouts
Request Facebook targeted (Geofencing) ads and flyer’s from your District Executive at least 3-weeks in advance. What is Geofencing?
Prepare New Family Welcome Packet
Clear Information – Families that see expectations of families, meeting times and locations, Troop calendar, and contact information know what to expect and see that it is an organized functional Scout unit they are looking at.
- Include: Troop calendar, contact list, Troop expenses and fundraising opportunities, and plan how new families can join summer camp this year!