Find a Scout Unit near you!
Interested in a council or district role? Contact us!
Looking for our Youth Programs?
- Cub Scouts: Boys and girls, grades K-5
- Scouts BSA: Boys and girls, ages 11-17
- Venturing: Adventure-oriented experiences, ages 14-20 (coed)
- Exploring: Career experiences, ages 10-20 (coed)
Getting Started
- Create an account at
- Complete Youth Protection Training (YPT)
- Complete an Adult Application
Submit the application with fee and YPT certificate of completion to the unit* or the W. D. Boyce Council, BSA.
* Unit volunteers must be approved by the charter organization
BSA Annual Adult Fees:
- $60 – All Adult Positions
- $25 – Merit Badge Counselors*
(* If not serving in any other paid role)
Scouting is a youth-led, youth-run program…
…but the youth must be trained to be leaders. Beginning in Cub Scouts and throughout the Scouting adventure, adult role models provide an ideal learning experience for all youth. Every adult volunteer has something valuable to offer:
Like to play games? That’s your “in” with eager Cub Scouts! Love nature? Share that love on a hike – or just while exploring the backyard! The parent who lives for NASCAR can shine when it comes time for Pinewood Derby. The parent who networks can organize a potluck banquet in their sleep. Handy with a spreadsheet? You may be the next Pack treasurer!
On a typical weekend campout in Scouts BSA, Scouts might work with an adult volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge and with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fresh fish from someone else.
The advantages of Scouting are not limited to youth. Adults also develop leadership and physical skills with every training experience.
Volunteers learn, too. Volunteers spend a significant amount of time to ensure the success of Scouting in their communities. The average Scout volunteer gives 20 hours of service each month, and 96 percent of volunteers say they would recommend volunteering for the BSA to other adults. In fact, volunteers believe their time invested with the Boy Scouts of America helps them be:
- A better citizen
- A better parent
- A better manager
- A better employee
- More patient and tolerant of others
- More open to new ideas and opinions
We need YOU to provide the direction, coaching, and training that empowers today’s youth with the skills they will need to lead tomorrow.
Answers to Common Questions
We understand that the idea of becoming a Scouting volunteer comes with questions and concerns. Here are some common ones – and some answers:
- What if I was never a Scout?
- How can I be of any help if I was never a Scout?
- I’m not “outdoorsy” – I’ve never even camped!
- I don’t want to embarrass my child.
- Is there training for this?
- Why should I get involved in Scouting?
- I’m super busy!
- Isn’t this just more work?
- I don’t really know the parents of my kid’s friends.
- I’m not even sure my kid wants me involved.
- How will my child look back on their time in Scouting?
- Will volunteering help me as a parent?
- How will this affect my child’s perception of our family?
- What do Scouts gain from having their parents involved?
Make a Difference for the Scouts in Your Pack or Troop
There are many ways that you can help the Scouts in your unit, whether working directly with them or behind the scenes. Being a helper to another volunteer is a great way to get started, gain experience and make a real contribution right off the bat. No experience necessary!
Not sure where your talents are most needed? Just ask your unit leader.
Helping in JUST ONE AREA can make
a huge impact!
Cub Scouts
- Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster
- Den Leader/Assistant
- Popcorn Chair (“Kernel”)/Assistant
- Pinewood Derby Chair/Helper
- Annual Banquet Committee Chair/Member
- Day Camp Coordinator/Parent Helper
- Resident Camp Coordinator/Parent Helper
Scouts BSA
- Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster
- Den Leader/Assistant
- Summer Camp Coordinator
- Popcorn Chair (“Kernel”)/Assistant
- Advancement Chair
- Merit Badge Counselor (*)
- Life to Eagle Coordinator (*)
Helping with specific events or activities:
- Recruiting Chair
- Service Project Planner/Helper/Advisor
- Camping or Outdoor Chair/Advisor
Administrative Support:
- Communications/Social Media Committee
- Secretary
- Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
- Health Coordinator
- Youth Protection Training Coordinator
Other Kinds of Support:
- Chartered Organization Representative
- Fundraising Coordinator
- Unit Committee Chair/Member
- Religious Award Promotion
- Adult Training Chair
- Transportation Coordinator
- Historian/Advisor
- Quartermaster/Advisor