Spread the News!
In 2023, our council celebrated its 50th anniversary. But it’s always a great time to spread the good news about Scouting!
The 50th Anniversary of the W. D. Boyce Council presents every Scouting unit with a fantastic opportunity. It gives you an excellent reason to tell the story about how your Scouting unit is an important part of your hometown.
What will you get for your efforts?
How about:
- Increased community visibility. Get the news of Scouting’s good works in front of the parents of your potential future Scouts.
- Easier recruiting. The next time you go to recruit new members, you’ll be able to remind parents of the positive news they would have seen earlier.
- New partnerships. Community leaders want to support good works, especially those involving youth. Getting the word out – every chance you get – will open doors in the future.
This page gives you a few tools and ideas on how to make that happen.
Publicity Tools
Download a 50th Anniversary press release. Use this to announce the 50th Anniversary in your local newspapers and other publications. Include a unit photo, if possible.
Send out a press release after completing a service project. Do this after any service project concluded before December 31, 2023 – or beyond! Include a photo of the service project work underway.
Send out a 50th Anniversary Event press release. Use this to report on your unit’s experience at one of the council’s anniversary events. Include one or more photos of your Scouts at the event.
Naming Youth in Press
Protect the identity of all youth in all public communications (social media posts, press releases, interviews). Youth should not be fully identified but referred to by first name, last initial (i.e., Billy B.).
Publicity Photo Tips
Download a guide to taking a good photo to submit with your press releases.
50th Anniversary Logos / Social Media Tools
Feel free to submit the official anniversary logo if you don’t have a photo to include. You can also use the anniversary logo on your website and in social media posts.
Download our special 50th Anniversary social media frame. Use this to overlay the images you post to social media, to reinforce the anniversary theme, “Scouting. Now More Than Ever.”
Service Project Ideas
Nothing tells the story about how Scouting helps your community more than serving your community through service projects. We have come up with 50 service projects to consider as ways to “Give Back 50” in your hometown area.
Request a Mayoral Proclamation
The 50th Anniversary of any organization is newsworthy. If you let your mayor know the local Scout council of the #1 youth leadership program in America has been at it that long, it’s highly likely they will help elevate your Scouting unit in the town’s eyes!
How about requesting a date to be proclaimed “Scouting America Day” in your town?
Some city and state websites will have a section on “How to request a Mayoral Proclamation.” Some will even have an online mayoral proclamation request section on their website. If they do not have an online request section, send an email request to your mayor. Here’s a sample proclamation for you to download and submit!