Adventure On! With Cub Scouts


Find Cub Scouting near you!

Ages 11 and Up: Click here to discover Scouts BSA!
¿Hablas Español? ¡Haz clic aquí para aprender más sobre el Scouting!

Give the Gift of Scouting This Holiday!

Kids love presents, but they love experiences more – especially when their families are included. Scouting is a positive, affirming experience for the entire family. And the sense of belonging, self-esteem and fun memories will last a lifetime. 

Enter your Zip Code in the box above to find and join the Cub Scout pack that’s perfect for your child and your family!

Comparing Adults With 5 Years of Scouting vs No Scouting Experience:

 Graduate from college34% vs 19% 
 Have higher household incomes$80,000 vs $61,000 
 Attend religious services87% vs 77% 
 Value family relationships highly81% vs 72% 
 Vote in elections47% vs 29% 


Scouting Goes Hand in Hand with a Busy Life

Scouting is a yearround program allowing youth to participate in multiple youth programs. They may go and come as their schedules allow, understanding that some work may need to be done outside of meetings to stay on track for advancement. We encourage involvement in sports, church, school, fine and practical arts, and any other activity that helps young people develop character and life skills.

And Scouting will always be here when they get back if they have to step away.

Investments in Character That Pay Dividends

Scouting is not free. It costs money for the BSA to provide professional staff, programming, and insurance. It costs money to buy uniforms, gear and other materials, and it costs money to travel, go on campouts, and summer camp.

Scouting also provides value. It offers benefits beyond the quantifiable value of physical materials and professional services, and even beyond the experiential value of good times, camaraderie and life-long memories.

Learn more about both the values and costs of Scouting.


If you are a parent considering whether to sign your son or daughter up to be a Scout, we encourage you to discuss any concerns or questions with Scout leaders. Financial assistance is also available. If you still have questions, please contact the W. D. Boyce Council Service Center.


  • Camping
  • Pinewood Derby
  • Field Trips
  • Earn Badges
  • Swimming
  • Blue and Gold Banquet
  • Hiking
  • Games
  • Adventure
  • Fishing
  • Sling Shots
  • Nature
  • STEM
  • B.B. Guns


Scouts have the opportunity each year to earn dollars to support their Scouting adventures!

Our popcorn sale is a (tasty!) staple of Scouting that many look forward to each year. It helps pay for council support, pack activities and individual costs for participating Scouts. They can earn awesome prizes, free summer camp, uniforms, campouts and much more!

Cub Scout Pack Organization

“Packs” are made up of “dens” representing specific grade levels. There is no need to “catch up” for previous grade levels.

  • Lion (Kindergarten)
  • Tiger (Grade 1)
  • Wolf (Grade 2)
  • Bear (Grade 3)
  • Webelos (Grade 4)
  • Arrow of Light (Grade 5)


Generally once a week or every other week, 2-3 den meetings per month and one monthly pack meeting.

Already Signed Up?

Click here to learn more and get started!