Eagle Scout Resources

Getting Started

  1. Review the suggested W. D. Boyce Council Eagle Scout Process
  2. Download the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (No. 512-927) via the link to Scouting.org on this page. Do NOT download it from any other source. This is the official tool for planning, executing and documenting your Eagle project.

Key Documents

The following are the three most commonly used forms for those Scouts pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout:

  • Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (From Scouting.org) 
    – Includes project proposal form, to be approved prior to beginning your project
    – Complete using Adobe Acrobat Reader – other PDF apps may not work properly 
  • Eagle Reference Letter (W. D. Boyce Council Form)
    – Instructions for pre-addressing return envelopes (including addresses) 
  • Eagle Scout Rank Application
    • CURRENT Application – Effective July 1, 2022 – requires Citizenship in Society Merit Badge.
    • Previous Application – Use only if all requirements were completed BEFORE July 1, 2022.
      If the links above do not work, the most current BSA forms can be found here. 

New Eagle Information Form

All new Eagles should complete the following questionnaire once they have successfully completed their Eagle Scout Board of Review to ensure they are recognized for their achievement and invited to the annual Eagle Scout Recognition Brunch.

(This flyer with a QR code may be used at Eagle Boards of Review to encourage immediate completion of the form by the new Eagle Scout.)

Other W. D. Boyce Council Resources

Eagle and Summit Award Project Fundraising Guidelines
– Includes guidance re: crowdfunding

Eagle Candidate Ambition Statement Guidance  

Additional advancement resources may be found on Scouting.org at: 

Eagle Scout Project Requirements and Ideas

A good Eagle project should:

  • Allow you to demonstrate good planning, development and leadership skills.
  • Benefit a religious institution, a school or your community. (It cannot benefit Scouting.)
  • Be feasible. You’ll need to show it’s realistic for you to carry out.
  • Adequately address the safety of those working on the project.

You’ll find more suggestions, tips and requirements in the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (link above). 

Looking for an Eagle project?  Here’s a great online resource to get ideas: ScoutLife Eagle Project Showcase


Not sure who to contact for help? Your District Advancement Committee Chair is often the best person to start with, found here.


BSA Introduces Citizenship in Society merit badge; Required for Eagle Scout as of July 2022
November 1, 2021

W. D. Boyce Eagle Scout Recognition Brunch

Each year, the W. D. Boyce Council honors all new Eagle Scouts from the past twelve months at a brunch. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other Eagles, discuss future plans and opportunities and engage in good fellowship. 

Scholarships for Scouts

Learn about scholarship opportunities for Scouts here. This includes the Matthew T. Stevenson scholarship for Eagle Scouts from the W. D. Boyce Council.

NESA Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year

Eagle Scouts do amazing things …

The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams national Eagle Scout service project of the year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, a school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.

For more information about the award, click here. To submit a project for consideration, send your nomination to your District Advancement Committee or Awards chair by December 1.