In Memory of Marc Burnett
February 3, 1953 – September 20, 2012
The name of Marc Burnett is synonymous with dedication, honesty, loyalty, and family. All of these attributes are part of the Scouting program β a place where the name Marc Burnett is widely known.
Over many years, Marc Burnett dedicated countless hours of time and energy into the Scouting program in the Peoria area; whether with his sons Van and Ty, or as the Vice President of Marketing for the W. D. Boyce Council. During his tenure on the Marketing Committee, Marc served as Chairman of the Scouts CAN campaign which raised more than $80,000 from aluminum cans collected by Scouts. All of this money went to build a Habitat for Humanity home in Central Illinois and received national media attention. Marc then led the charge into the 100th Anniversary Celebration and was a driving force in the Heroes of Scouting campaign which resulted in millions of media impressions throughout the region.
This scholarship pays tribute to Marcβs dedication to promoting the strong values of the Scouting program. The ideal candidate exhibits those same ideals. The scholarship award gives $300 towards the Ingersoll Scout Reservation Summer Camp fee, in the year the scholarship is awarded, plus $100 for Scouting supplies.